Ian Tamblyn - Scenes Through a Mirror ~ a retrospective (Vinyl / includes liner notes)


Scenes Through a Mirror

North Track Records, in association with The Record Centre Records, is pleased to announce the release of two recordings by Ian Tamblyn.   Both releases are entitled, Scenes Through a Mirror. The vinyl release features ten songs chosen from a recording catalogue of forty-five recordings. The album was remastered by Phil Victor Bova and was manufactured by Precision Records in the Czech Republic.

The CD collection features two CDs with twenty-six songs chosen from Ian’s extensive catalogue. This project was also remastered by Phil Victor Bova. Both projects include detailed liner notes about the recordings.

Both of these releases are available at The Record Centre in Ottawa or Records on Wheels in Dundas, Ontario. They can also be ordered on line at CD Baby or by visiting the website www.iantamblyn.com. Mail orders can be completed by writing North Track Records, c/o Ian Tamblyn, 21 Laing Road, Chelsea, Quebec, J9B 1S4.

For those wishing lyrics for the songs, they are also available at www.iantamblyn.com.  

A CD release of these projects will be held at Irene’s Bar, Bank St. Ottawa, November 22 beginning at 8pm.

Introduction- from the liner notes

After forty-five recordings, I thought it might be time to compile a retrospective of sorts. The process took well over a year and went through several steps along the way. I had a number of through lines and aspirations I hoped to achieve with this collection, many of them intersecting. I hoped to get as many songs from different periods of my writing as possible, and at the same time, I wanted these songs to have a consistent sonic balance though the recordings span of forty-seven years! I took a large selection of songs to musician and engineer David Bignell to assess which songs sonically stood the test of time, bearing in mind the tremendous shift from analogue to digital recording during this period. After we figured which tunes were sonically “valid” I passed a much smaller group of songs around to people who have followed my music over the years. Though I had  a selection of songs I wanted to be included, I was interested in which songs others thought stood the test of time. Ultimately, it came down to these songs you have before you. Final sequencing and mastering was completed by Phil Victor Bova. There are, of course, many songs that are not included but I hope you will find this collection an interesting cross section of my work. 

I would like to particularly thank the engineers, co-producers and musicians who helped me realize these songs over the years. Besides the great joy I had recording the songs, it was their consistent  skills and inspiration that allowed this project to be sewn together.  

Ian Tamblyn 2023