Brian Eno ~ Music For Films (1980 EX/EX)

¥3 254.29


[From back cover] ℗ & © 1978 E. G. Records Ltd. © E. G. Music, Inc. (BMI) 1975/76/77/78 "This album is identical in content to the first edition released in 1978 but has been rearranged into what I consider a more satisfactory track sequence. It is a compilation of my recorded works from 1975 to 1978. Some of it was made specifically for use as soundtrack material, some of it was made for other reasons but found its way into films; most of it is previously unissued in any form." Phil Collins appears courtesy of Atlantic Records. Percy Jones appears courtesy of Passport Records, Inc. [From centre labels] ℗ 1978 E.G. Records Ltd. Manufactured by PolyGram Inc. and distributed by PolyGram Distribution Inc. - Made In Canada